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At CBS², we are dedicated to revolutionizing transportation systems by collaborating with public and private clients to provide the safest and most efficient routes available.

Multi-Disciplined Team:

Our team of multi-disciplined engineers and technicians have the expertise and skill set required to tackle even the most complex design challenges, delivering innovative solutions that exceed the expectations of motorists while maintaining a balance between environmental preservation and future growth.

Prioritizing the Public:

We are committed to providing safe, attractive, and easy-to-navigate roads and trails that prioritize the needs of the public. Our team conducts extensive studies, surveys, and designs to ensure every factor is taken into consideration, resulting in a transportation network that is not only efficient but also aesthetically pleasing.

Creative Solutions:

At CBS², we take pride in providing creative solutions that deliver high-quality, accurate results, ensuring your project is completed on time and within budget. Our team is excited to embark upon every project, bringing a wealth of knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm to every endeavor.

Collaboration with Public and Private Clients:

We work closely with public and private clients to ensure that our transportation solutions meet the needs of the community. Our collaborative approach ensures that every factor is taken into account, from environmental impact to community engagement.

At CBS², we are committed to revolutionizing transportation systems through innovative solutions that prioritize the needs of the public. Our multi-disciplined team is equipped to tackle even the most complex challenges, delivering high-quality results that exceed expectations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you transform your transportation network.

  • Urban and rural highways
  • Expressways, freeways and interchanges
  • Local roadways and streets
  • Recreational trails and bicycle paths
  • Structural Design
  • Bridge approaches
  • Drainage
  • Traffic Signals
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Pedestrian Accommodations

  • Corridor studies/preliminary design
  • Interchange feasibility studies
  • Pedestrian, bike, and trail studies
  • School zone management
  • Parking analysis
  • Environmental documentation
  • Hazardous Material Investigations
  • Public involvement
  • Railway Crossing Studies
  • Traffic Impact Analysis
  • Traffic Safely Analysis
  • Permitting

  • Administration
  • Staking

Support Services
  • Architectural services
  • CAD drafting and training
  • Alternative funding sources
  • Alternative delivery services
  • 3D renderings
  • Utility Coordination
  • Railroad Coordination
  • Water and Sewer Design
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Traffic Control

Right of Way & Surveying
  • Transportation Project Plats
  • Conventional Right of Way Plats
  • State Statute 84.295 Mapping
  • Temporary Right of Way Staking
  • Permanent Right of Way Monumentation
  • Topographic Field Survey

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